Complesso universitario di Monserrato
SP Sestu-Monserrato km 0.7
I-09042 Monserrato (CA), Italy |
Astronomical Observatory
Località Poggio dei Pini
Strada 54
I-09012 Capoterra(CA), Italy |
D'Amico - Outreach activity
Sardinia, the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) is building
a major international facility, the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT).
This project was lunched by the Ministry of Research (MUR) under a
scheme of scientific development of the less favoured regions of the
Country and so represents a challenge for Sardinia. In order to improve
the awareness of the project among the academic and scholastic institution,
and the public, as a Director of the Project I have promoted a variety
of outreach activities, related to SRT and to astronomy in general,
which are listed below.
Cielo in Galleria. "Il Cielo in Galleria"
(Sky in the Gallery) is the name of an exibition which was
sponsored by the Municipalty of Cagliari and took place in
May 2009 in the Bastion of Saint Remy, in the earth of the
city of Cagliari. The exibition was dedicated to the Sardinia
Radio Telescope project, and in general to astronomy. The
Cagliari Astronomical Observatory presented a scale model
(1:64) of the radiotelescope, a movie showing a virtual tour
into the antenna, and a poster session.
2008. In December 2008, an exhibit was presented by
the Cagliari Astronomical Observatory at "Studentown 2008",
a public event organized by the Cagliari District for the local
schools, which included conferences, exhibits, round tables,
etc... The event was conceived to improve the awareness of students,
teachers, and the public, of the opportunity offered by the
recent Government reorganization of the Italian scholastic system.
Day 2007. In April 2007, in the context of the "XVII
Week of the Scientific Culture", dedicated by the Ministry
to "Nature and the machine civilization", we organized
an Open Day a the SRT site, where major works were in progress.
We entitled this Day "Nature and High Tech in the Gerrei
territory". We organised a huge open space stand, including
an exhibition on radio astronomy. More than 1000 people attended.
construction kick-off. In September 2006, the SRT site,
including the SRT basement, was formally taken in charge by MT-Mechatronics,
in order to initiate the construction of the mechanical structure
of the large dish. A public ceremony was organized at site for
this event. |
eclipse 2006. On the occasion of the Sun eclipse, occurred
in 2006, we organised a public event, at the University campus
in Cagliari, for the public and the schools. Solar scopes and
other equipments were made available in that occasion. |
Transit. In 2004, on he occasion of the Venus transit,
we organised a public event in town, in the "Cittadella dei
Musei". A real time view of the event was available, both
outside with a solar scope, both inside a hall, in which the event
was projected on a large screen. |