PULSAR CONFERENCE 2010Chia Laguna Resort, Sardinia (Italy) – 10-15 October 2010 |
Radio pulsars: An astrophysical key to unlock the secrets of the Universe |
A conference celebrating the 45th anniversary of Jocelyn Bell's scientific career | ||||
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The proceedings of the Pulsar Conference 2010 "Radio Pulsars: a key to unlock the secrets of the Universe" will be published by AIP, the American Institute of Physics.
The deadline for submitting your contribution is Instructions and forms for the authors can be found at the AIP Conference proceedings web page. The format to be selected is "6x9 inch format". The relevant links to LateX templates and forms are also provided below in this page. The page limits for your papers are:
Along with the "6x9 inch format" LateX template you will have to download and fill A tarball with your LateX file and figures must be sent strictly before the deadline at the conference e-mail address: psr10@oa-cagliari.inaf.it. The signed pdf forms must be sent by e-mail (a scanned copy or a copy with electronic signaure) or by fax at the number +39 070 71180 222, to the attention of Marta Burgay. |
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